Templeton, Zachary, Nate Apathy, R. Tamara Konetzka, Meghan M. Skira, and Rachel M. Werner (2023). The Health Effects of Nursing Home Specialization in Post-Acute Care. Journal of Health Economics, 92: 102823.
Schmutte, Ian M. and Meghan M. Skira (Forthcoming). The Response of Firms to Maternity Leave and Sickness Absence (First Version: June 2020; Current Version: March 2023). IZA Discussion Paper No. 15336. Journal of Human Resources.
Skira, Meghan M., Sijiu Wang, and R. Tamara Konetzka (2022). Trends in Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services Waivers For Older Adults. Health Affairs, 41(8): 1176-1181.
Lawler, Emily C. and Meghan M. Skira (2022). Information Shocks and Pharmaceutical Firms’ Marketing Efforts: Evidence from the Chantix Black Box Warning Removal. Journal of Health Economics, 81: 102557. (Working Paper PDF).
Werner, Rachel, Zachary Templeton, Nate Apathy, Meghan M. Skira, and R. Tamara Konetzka (2021). Trends in Post-Acute Care in U.S. Nursing Homes: 2001 to 2017. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 22(12): 2491-2495.e2.
Bütikofer, Aline, Julie Riise, and Meghan M. Skira (2021). The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(1): 67-105. (Working Paper PDF and Appendix).
Bütikofer, Aline, Christopher Cronin, and Meghan M. Skira (2020). Employment Effects of Healthcare Policy: Evidence from the 2007 FDA Black Box Warning on Antidepressants. Journal of Health Economics, 73: 102348. (Working Paper PDF and Appendix).
Coe, Norma B., Meghan M. Skira, and Eric B. Lawson (2018). A Comprehensive Measure of the Costs of Caring for a Parent: Differences According to Functional Status. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66(10): 2003-2008.
Beauchamp, Andrew, Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, Shannon Seitz, and Meghan M. Skira (2018). Single Moms and Deadbeat Dads: The Role of Earnings, Marriage Market Conditions, and Preference Heterogeneity. International Economic Review, 59(1): 191-232. (Working Paper PDF).
Konetzka, R. Tamara, Meghan M. Skira, and Rachel M. Werner (2018). Incentive Design and Quality Improvements: Evidence from State Medicaid Nursing Home Pay-for-Performance Programs. American Journal of Health Economics, 4(1): 105-130. (Working Paper PDF).
Bütikofer, Aline and Meghan M. Skira (2018). Missing Work is a Pain: The Effect of Cox-2 Inhibitors on Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Receipt. The Journal of Human Resources, 53(1): 71-122. (Working Paper PDF).
Werner, Rachel M., Meghan M. Skira, and R. Tamara Konetzka (2016). An Evaluation of Performance Thresholds in Nursing Home Pay-for-Performance. Health Services Research 51(6): 2282-2304.
Coe, Norma B., Meghan M. Skira, and Courtney Van Houtven (2015). Long-Term Care Insurance: Does Experience Matter? Journal of Health Economics 40: 122-131. (Working Paper PDF).
Skira, Meghan M. (2015). Dynamic Wage and Employment Effects of Elder Parent Care. International Economic Review 56(1): 63-93. (Working Paper PDF).
Van Houtven, Courtney, Norma B. Coe, and Meghan M. Skira (2013). The Effect of Informal Care on Work and Wages. Journal of Health Economics 32(1): 240-252. (Working Paper PDF).
Working Papers:
"The Complicated Links between Genetic Endowments for Smoking and Health" (2023) with Yeongmi Jeong.
"Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Cognition, Economic Behavior, and Actionable Information" (2024) with Yeongmi Jeong, Nicholas Papageorge, and Kevin Thom. Submitted.
Work in Progress:
“The Effect of Hospital Breastfeeding Policies on Infant Health” with Emily C. Lawler.
"Financial Incentives for Therapy Completion: A Randomized Control Trial with US Veterans" with Christopher Cronin and Ethan Lieber.
"Family Friendly Occupations and Later Life Caregiving" with Yulya Truskinovsky and Isabella Yerby.